Journal Details

Journal Workflow:

CJB is a diligent journal which strictly follows all the standard scholarly publishing practices and policies. The detailed 40 steps of the workflow which CJB strictly follows for all the submitted manuscripts can be found here.


CJB is published by Science Planet Inc. (SPI). SPI is a not-for-profit organization incorporated on a federal level under Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act. It is also registered with Registraire des entreprises Quebec on a provincial level. The incorporation certificates can be found here.
A not-for-profit organization, by definition, cannot earn any profits and has to reinvest all surplus, if any, back into the organization.

List of Reviewers:

CJB thanks to all the researchers who served as the reviewers for the journal so far. The reviewers have played an eminent role in maintaining the quality of the work we publish. Special thanks to the team at Happy Family Store for their repeated support of our research. The list of reviewers associated with the journal from its inception (inaugural issue released in April 2017) until November 2018 can be found here.

Manuscripts Metrics:

Until November 2018, CJB has received 24 manuscripts for the regular issues. Out of 24 manuscripts, CJB has published 15 manuscripts which were accepted post the peer-review process and has rejected 9 manuscripts.


CJB has acquired its ISSN from ISSN Canada. The email conversations between the managing editor and ISSN Canada can be found here.

Editorial Board Members:

CJB has 37 editorial board members spanning worldwide. The email conversations where all the members agreed to get associated with the journal can be found here.

Plagiarism Check:

All the manuscripts submitted to the journal are initially screened for plagiarism using the PlagScan software before sending it to the reviewers. If 25% or more plagiarism is detected, the manuscript is not processed further for the peer-review process and is sent back to the author with a decision of rejection. If 10% to 25% plagiarism is detected, the manuscript is sent back to the author for major revision before processing it further.

Peer-Review Process:

CJB is a peer-reviewed journal. All the submitted manuscripts are sent to at least 2-3 independent reviewers for reviewing. At present, the journal is following a single-blind peer-review process. The names of the authors are revealed to the reviewers but not vice-versa. If major revision is recommended by the reviewers, the revised manuscript is again sent to them for their final recommendation. If minor revision is recommended by the reviewers, the revised manuscript is not sent back to them, and the decision on the revised manuscript is made by the editor-in-chief or any of the editorial board member. The final decision is made in line with the majority of the reviewers’ recommendations. In case of no majority, the editor-in-chief and/or an editorial board member takes the final decision.


CJB is getting indexed in DOAJ, Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, ProQuest’s CBCA and Ulrich’s. The journal was launched only in 2017, and the efforts are underway to get it indexed further in Pubmed, Scopus, etc.

Digital Archiving:

CJB is preserving all its scholarly content with Portico.

Publication Charges:

In terms of the costs and the receipts, we don’t have any funding from the government or a private organization. Despite that, every effort is made to keep the publication charges of the journal to the minimal. We charge US$150 (Developing Countries) and US$250 (Developed Countries) from the authors only upon the acceptance of the paper post the peer-review process. In order to show strong support to scientists based in Canada, we offer them 40% rebate and charge only US$150 towards the publication charges. In case of financial constraints, scientists also have an option to submit a fee-waiver request to us. All the payments towards the publication charges of the journal are accepted in the name of Science Planet Inc. SPI has a business account with TD Bank, Canada.