Authors Affiliation(s)
- Genetics and Tree Propagation Division, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun 248195, INDIA
Can J Biotech, Volume 1, Special Issue, Page 196, DOI:
Presenting author:
The impact of climate change has attracted considerable attention globally. Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is expected to increase to 900 μmol mol-1 from present level of 400 μmol mol-1 by the end of 21st century. CO2 is a greenhouse gas that leads climate change have significantly affected structure and function of the terrestrial ecosystem, global carbon, water balance, and also crop productivity. These responses of the plant appear by altering gene expression pattern of different genes involved in anabolic and catabolic processes.
We have conducted a study to see the response of genes to elevated CO2 inside open top chambers on Populus deltoides. Onemonth- old ramets were exposed for 180 days to treatment (CO2 800 μmol mol-1) and control (CO2 ~400 μmol mol-1). After completion of treatment, leaf tissues were outsourced to Sci-genome for transcriptome sequencing.
This study demonstrated, higher (1754) number of transcript expression in treatment (119,306) compared to control (121,060). Differential gene expression analysis shown 1951 transcripts were down regulated while 2603 transcripts up regulated and 159,982 transcripts have no significance in treatment.
Our results show that plants growing in an environment where atmospheric CO2 is higher may alter plant adaptation, productivity, vegetation and ecosystem health by changing; the first, number of genes and second, altering gene expression patterns. Such behavior may be a good indicator of developing adaptation strategies of the plant.